
Preservice Division

Learn about the Preservice Division

History and Current Mission of the NAEA Preservice Division

As the newest Division, NAEA Preservice is growing and thriving. Representing and supporting all college students in art education and related fields, undergraduate and graduate, the Preservice Division works to foster the next face of art education in our nation.

We owe it all to the support of the NAEA as a whole, and the visionary leadership of our Student Chapter presidents. Key members of the Student Chapter Issues Group put forth a request to the Board for consideration to become a full-fledged seat at the table. After careful study, the Board recommended action by the 2013 Delegates Assembly. Once presented with the recommendation at the 2013 Assembly, registered delegates voted unanimously to recommend the establishment of the Preservice Division to the membership for consideration and a vote. Members voted “yes” on the proposed Preservice Division and related amendment to the NAEA Constitution.

The Preservice Division leadership structure has since transitioned to align with the NAEA Division structures, now consisting of a Division Director and Regional Division Directors. Representing 11% of the total NAEA membership, we are a dedicated and engaged voice in the field. We now have a wide array of leadership roles available for full-time art education and related field college students.

There is always room for more connections and contacts within this growing Division. Please join, follow, and friend the Preservice Division on our various social media platforms. Also, connect with our leadership directly via phone or email. Share what is working with your Student Chapter, and look to other Student Chapters for support and ideas. Below are all of the ways you can get involved now.

Preservice Membership Benefits

Maximize your NAEA membership by taking full advantage of the exclusive benefits available to preservice members. Don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities—explore your membership benefits today! Download the list here.

Establish a Preservice Student Chapter

Join Us for a Preservice Chapter Interest Meeting!
Date: Monday, September 23
Time: 7:00-8:00 pm ET

Click here to register for this exciting event.

Are you interested in starting a Preservice chapter at your college or university but are unsure of where to begin? We’re excited to invite you to an upcoming interactive meeting designed to kickstart your journey! This session will feature an overview of Preservice member benefits, a step-by-step guide to starting a chapter, and a dedicated Q&A segment to address your wonderings about the program. We’re here to support you!

Handbook: Get started forming your chapter by downloading the 2024-2025 Preservice Chapter Handbook. This handbook is essential for anyone starting or supporting a preservice chapter. It includes guidelines, sample constitutions, bylaws, officer descriptions, fundraising ideas, and more to help manage your chapter.

Download the Student Chapter Registration Form to register your institution’s preservice student chapter.

2024-2025 Preservice Calendar

Stay organized and never miss an important event with the 2024-2025 Preservice Calendar. This calendar highlights key dates for events, meetings, and opportunities throughout the year. Download the calendar here.

Mentorship Pilot Program

Preservice Reflections: Collaborative Discussions on Insights and Applications in the Classroom

Join NAEA’s new Mentorship Pilot Program: Preservice Reflections: Collaborative Discussions on Insights and Applications in the Classroom! Designed to support preservice art teachers as they begin their careers, this program offers online professional development workshops, collaborative discussions, and group reflection meetings focused on essential art education topics. Participants will gain valuable guidance, resources, and networking opportunities, helping them build confidence and competence in the classroom. All NAEA Preservice members and early career educators are eligible to participate.

Click here to learn more about this exciting opportunity and register today!

Submit to Preservice News

Preservice News is the official newsletter for NAEA Preservice Chapters.

Published semi-yearly (January and May) in electronic-only format, it contains news and photos on Preservice chapter activities, student artwork, and award winners.

Click here to submit your Preservice chapter news and highlights to be featured in our first edition!

Connect to the Preservice Online Community

Join the Collaborate online forum for the latest news and information in addition to access to resources and networking with NAEA members (see Preservice Division under list of Communities). You can also add the NAEA Preservice to your Google+ circles for updates and announcements.

Preservice on Spotify

Listen while you work! Tune into the creatively-curated NAEA Preservice playlist on Spotify and get inspired.

Leadership Team

  • Jesse Todero, Division Director
  • Brittany McCallum, Division Director-Elect

Regional Representatives

Join Our Social Networks

Join the Preservice Division online community on Collaborate

Explore More

Jesse Todero

Preservice Division Director (Term: 2023-2025)

Student, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA

Brittany McCallum

Preservice Division Director-Elect (Term: 2023-2025)

Art Education Major, Mississippi College

NAEA Professional Learning Studio

Premier Professional Learning

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